Thank you for your absence request form. The school office will be in touch in due course. Please read the information below about school attendance:
There is an established link between attendance and punctuality at school and academic success. At St Mary’s we strive to enable every child to reach their full potential and regular and punctual attendance is vital to this. The Academy Councillors review attendance figures of all pupils at our school on a termly basis and recognise the importance of punctual and regular attendance. The Academy Councillors have considered measures to increase and support good attendance.
Attendance information is issued with the mid-year and end of year reports so that parents/guardians can clearly see the number of absences and unauthorised absences of each child.
Government guidance in relation to school attendance states the Headteachers should not grant leave of absence unless there are exceptional circumstances. The application must be made in advance and the head teacher must be satisfied that there are exceptional circumstances based on the individual facts and circumstances of the case which warrant the leave. Where a leave of absence is granted, the headteacher will determine the number of days a pupil can be away from school. A leave of absence is granted entirely at the head teacher’s discretion. No absence will be granted for Year 6 pupils between Easter and the end of SAT’s in May.
Parents/guardians are also requested to consider the impact on learning when arranging medical, dental and other appointments which should be arranged whenever possible outside the school day. If this is not possible parents/carers will be requested to bring into school the appointment card/letter when bringing in or collecting their child and to complete the signing in and out book with the reason for lateness or early departure.
Punctuality is also an important factor and all children arriving late to school will need to be signed in at the school office. The Attendance Officer makes regular visits to our school and reviews the attendance and punctuality of all children. We hope that there will not be a need to involve the attendance officer with the attendance of any children within our school. However, should a child’s attendance fall below 90% this may be necessary as a child is classified as a Persistent Absentee which will automatically be followed up. The local authority may take legal proceedings against you for your failure to comply with the law. This may result in a Penalty Notice.
Should any parent/guardian wish to clarify any point or discuss attendance please do not hesitate to contact me.
Many thanks,
Mr Piper